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Cornelia Hale is one of the Guardians of the Veil, along with Will Vandom, Irma Lair, Taranee Cook, and Hay Lin. (Together,
their names spell "WITCH", the title). She controls the power over earth. She is able to move the earth at will and alter
plants by manipulating their growth pattern. (Geokinesis and Chlorokinesis) Also possesses
telekinetic powers, able to move objects from afar, and has a minor glamouring power. Cornelia lives with her mother, father, and little
sister Lillian in a high rise apartment. She fell in love with a former murmurer (a servant of Prince Phobos) named
Caleb who was the head of the rebellion in Meridian. But soon after, Phobos got his revenge by turning Caleb into a flower.
Later, Cornelia absorbed all of the powers of the Guardians (by accident) and turned Caleb back into a boy.